DMCA即数字千年版权法案,英文全称“Digital Millennium Copyright Act”,简称DMCA。权利人可以要求线上服务提供商在网站内容方面接到版权所有者或其代理人涉嫌侵权的通知(即“DMCA通知”)后,迅速删除不当内容,即可免除版权侵权责任。

Dear Amazon:
This letter is a formal response to your notification to me of a complaint received about one of my listings on Amazon.com. The listing page for following ASIN was removed by Amazon because of this complaint:
Removed ASIN:
Infringement type:
Complaint ID:
A段:The complainant has provided no copyright registration information or other tangible evidence that the material in question is in fact copyrighted, and I have a good faith belief that it is not. The allegation of copyright violation is therefore in dispute, and at present unsupported.(投诉人没有提供任何版权登记信息或授权书证明被下架内容有版权)
B段:The complainant does not hold the copyright to the material in question, is not the designated representative of the copyright holder, and therefore lacks standing to assert that my use of the material is a violation of any of the owner's rights.(投诉人并不是被下架内容版权的拥有者,也没有获取版权所有者的授权,因此没有任何投诉我listing侵权的权利。)
The complaint does not follow the prescribed form for notification of an alleged copyright violation as set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 USC 512(c)(3). Specifically, the complainant has failed to: (投诉人的投诉(即DMCA通知)没有遵循《数字千年版权法》(17 USC 512(c)(3))中规定的DMCA通知的形式要求。具体来说,投诉人:)
1)Provide a complaint in written form. [17 USC512(c)(3)(A)](没有提供书面形式的投诉。)2)Include a physical or electronic signature of the complainant. [17 USC 512(c)(3)(A)(i)](没有在投诉信附上投诉人的签名。)3)Identify the specific copyrighted work claimed to be infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single complaint, provide a representative list of such works. [17 USC512(c)(3)(A)(ii)](没有在投诉中列明被涉嫌侵权的具体版权作品、或没有提供此类作品的代表性清单)4)Provide the URLs for the specific files on my web site that are alleged to be infringing. [17 USC 512(c)(3)(A)(iii)](没有在投诉中提供我被指控侵权的具体内容的链接。)5)Provide sufficient information to identify the complainant, including full name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. [17 USC 512(c)(3)(A)(iv)](没有在投诉中提供足够的投诉人的信息,包括其全名、邮寄地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。)6)Include a written statement that the complainant has a good faith belief that use of the disputed material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [17 USC 512(c)(3)(A)(v)](没有在投诉中包含书面声明,声称投诉人有充分理由相信,对有争议材料的使用没有得到版权所有者、其代理人或法律的授权。)7)Include a written statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [17 USC 512(c)(3)(A)(vi)](没有在投诉中包含书面声明,声称投诉中的信息是准确的,并在作伪证即受处罚的前提下,声明投诉人被授权代表被指控侵权的版权所有者行事。)
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the complaint of copyright violation is based on mistaken information, misidentification of the material in question, or deliberate misreading of the law.I ask that Amazon, upon receipt of this counter-notification, restore the material in dispute, unless the complainant files suit against me within ten (10) days, pursuant to 17 USC 512(g)(2)(B).My name, address, and telephone number are:
Name: 填写法人名字
Address: 填写联系地址
Phone: 填写联系电话
I hereby consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District of the United States of America. I agree to accept service of process from the complainant or an agent of such person.
Best regards,
邮件的标题写DMCA Counter Notice to Complaint ID[输入投诉ID]
Dear Amazon,
It has been more than 10 business days since our DMCA counter notice has been accepted by the counter-notice team as a valid and official legal statement.
Removed ASIN:
The complainant has not filed a law suit within the required time frame or responded to the counter-notice.
Therefore, in accordance with the DMCA,
We request the reinstatement of the following Amazon listings: